Here check the installation guide
Last updated
Here check the installation guide
Last updated
This script is compatible with ESX and QB.
This script is compatible with Illenium Appareance, esx_skin, and qb_clothing.
This script is compatible with the clothing-as-item system of Quasar Inventory.
Download from KEYMASTER and Unzip the sleek-clothestore.pack.zip
and place this folder in your server's resource folder.
Add the resource to your server start config: ensure sleek-clothestore
, the name of the folder must not be changed or the resource will not function correctly. Ensure the script is the latest one.
ensure es_extended
ensure esx_skin -- or Illenium Appareance
-- All the other resources
ensure sleek-clothestore
Open the config.lua and configure it correctly, paying attention to all the variables, especially the open functions that you need to fill in according to your systems, like the Notifications one.
Install file INSTALL SQL.sql
in your database.
Clear the cache of your server and also of your own FiveM.
Reboot the entire server with the forge script well ensured in your server.cfg.
Download from KEYMASTER and Unzip the sleek-clothestore.pack.zip
and place this folder in your server's resource folder.
Add the resource to your server start config: ensure sleek-clothestore
, the name of the folder must not be changed or the resource will not function correctly. Ensure the script is the latest one.
ensure qb-core
ensure qb-clothing -- or Illenium Appareance
-- All the other resources
ensure sleek-clothestore
You have to add the following thing if you use QB-Clothing:
This goes to qb-clothing > client > main.lua
RegisterNetEvent('qb-clothing:setSkinData', function(key, index, texture)
skinData[key].item = index
skinData[key].texture = texture
RegisterNetEvent('qb-clothing:saveSkin', function()
Open the config.lua and configure it correctly, paying attention to all the variables, especially the open functions that you need to fill in according to your systems, like the Notifications one.
Install file INSTALL SQL.sql
in your database.
Clear the cache of your server and also of your own FiveM.
Reboot the entire server with the forge script well ensured in your server.cfg.
In the whitelistItems
part, write it like this, and you can put all the categories you want to appear. What you have to put here is the βLabelsβ that is in Config.Items
whitelistItems = { 'Masks' } -- set this to false to disable or { } with all the whitelisted items
If you want everything to be displayed, set it to false like this:
whitelistItems = false -- set this to false to disable or { } with all the whitelisted items
The following will explain all the settings, one of the most important things that I recommend you spend a few minutes to understand in order to offer your users the best possible experience.
Config = { }
-- _____ _____ _ _ ______ _____ _____ _ _______ ___ _____ _____ _____ _ _
-- / __ \ _ | \ | || ___|_ _| __ \ | | | ___ \/ _ \_ _|_ _| _ | \ | |
-- | / \/ | | | \| || |_ | | | | \/ | | | |_/ / /_\ \| | | | | | | | \| |
-- | | | | | | . ` || _| | | | | __| | | | /| _ || | | | | | | | . ` |
-- | \__/\ \_/ / |\ || | _| |_| |_\ \ |_| | |\ \| | | || | _| |_\ \_/ / |\ |
-- \____/\___/\_| \_/\_| \___/ \____/\___/\_| \_\_| |_/\_/ \___/ \___/\_| \_/
-- Specify the framework to use: 'esx' or 'qbcore'
Config.Framework = 'qbcore' -- esx / qbcore
Config.SQLWrapper = 'oxmysql' -- Choose the MySQL wrapper
Config.UseTargetSystem = false -- true / false
Config.TargetSystem = 'ox_target' -- ox_target / qb-target
Config.SkinManager = "illenium-appearance" -- Options: "esx_skin" / "illenium-appearance" / "qb-clothing"
Config.AllowOutfitSaving = true -- Enable or disable the option to save outfits
Config.EnableHandsUpUI = true -- Enable hands-up animation while changing clothes
Config.HandsUpKey = 'x' -- Key for hands-up animation (Refer to https://www.toptal.com/developers/keycode)
Config.HandsUpAnimation = { 'missminuteman_1ig_2', 'handsup_enter', 50 }
Config.EnableCompletionAnimation = true
Config.CompletionAnimation = { 'clothingtie', 'try_tie_positive_a' } -- Animation to play after purchasing new clothes
Config.EnableOutfitSharing = true -- Allow players to share saved outfits
Config.OutfitSharingCommand = "shareoutfit" -- Command to initiate outfit sharing
Config.UseQSInventory = false
Config.QSInventoryName = 'qs-inventory'
Config.CamFov = {
['face'] = { min = 15.0, max = 20.0 },
['chest'] = { min = 20.0, max = 25.0 },
['legs'] = { min = 30.0, max = 35.0 },
['full'] = { min = 60.0, max = 65.0 }
Config.CamHeight = {
['face'] = 0.65,
['chest'] = 0.2,
['legs'] = -0.6,
['full'] = -0.15
Config.Items = {
category = 'accessories', -- accessories / upper-body / lower-body
label = 'Masks',
type = 'clothes', -- clothes / prop
id = 1, -- Component ID from the list
price = 150, -- Price of the item
blackListed = { -- Blacklisted values, leave it empty for the owners to set
['male'] = { },
['female'] = { }
category = 'accessories', -- accessories / upper-body / lower-body
label = 'Accesories',
type = 'clothes', -- clothes / prop
id = 7, -- Component ID from the list
price = 100, -- Price of the item
blackListed = { -- Blacklisted values, leave it empty for the owners to set
['male'] = { },
['female'] = { }
category = 'accessories', -- accessories / upper-body / lower-body
label = 'Hats',
type = 'prop', -- clothes / prop
id = 0, -- Component ID from the list
price = 250, -- Price of the item
blackListed = { -- Blacklisted values, leave it empty for the owners to set
['male'] = { },
['female'] = { }
category = 'accessories', -- accessories / upper-body / lower-body
label = 'Glasses',
type = 'prop', -- clothes / prop
id = 1, -- Component ID from the list
price = 200, -- Price of the item
blackListed = { -- Blacklisted values, leave it empty for the owners to set
['male'] = { },
['female'] = { }
category = 'accessories', -- accessories / upper-body / lower-body
label = 'Ears',
type = 'prop', -- clothes / prop
id = 2, -- Component ID from the list
price = 100, -- Price of the item
blackListed = { -- Blacklisted values, leave it empty for the owners to set
['male'] = { },
['female'] = { }
category = 'accessories', -- accessories / upper-body / lower-body
label = 'Watches',
type = 'prop', -- clothes / prop
id = 6, -- Component ID from the list
price = 300, -- Price of the item
blackListed = { -- Blacklisted values, leave it empty for the owners to set
['male'] = { },
['female'] = { }
category = 'accessories', -- accessories / upper-body / lower-body
label = 'Bracelets',
type = 'prop', -- clothes / prop
id = 7, -- Component ID from the list
price = 150, -- Price of the item
blackListed = { -- Blacklisted values, leave it empty for the owners to set
['male'] = { },
['female'] = { }
category = 'accessories', -- accessories / upper-body / lower-body
label = 'Bags and Parachutes',
type = 'clothes', -- clothes / prop
id = 5, -- Component ID from the list
price = 400, -- Price of the item
blackListed = { -- Blacklisted values, leave it empty for the owners to set
['male'] = { },
['female'] = { }
category = 'upper-body', -- accessories / upper-body / lower-body
label = 'Torsos',
type = 'clothes', -- clothes / prop
id = 3, -- Component ID from the list
price = 500, -- Price of the item
blackListed = { -- Blacklisted values, leave it empty for the owners to set
['male'] = { },
['female'] = { }
category = 'upper-body', -- accessories / upper-body / lower-body
label = 'Tops',
type = 'clothes', -- clothes / prop
id = 11, -- Component ID from the list
price = 300, -- Price of the item
blackListed = { -- Blacklisted values, leave it empty for the owners to set
['male'] = { },
['female'] = { }
category = 'upper-body', -- accessories / upper-body / lower-body
label = 'Undershirts',
type = 'clothes', -- clothes / prop
id = 8, -- Component ID from the list
price = 200, -- Price of the item
blackListed = { -- Blacklisted values, leave it empty for the owners to set
['male'] = { },
['female'] = { }
category = 'upper-body', -- accessories / upper-body / lower-body
label = 'Decals',
type = 'clothes', -- clothes / prop
id = 10, -- Component ID from the list
price = 100, -- Price of the item
blackListed = { -- Blacklisted values, leave it empty for the owners to set
['male'] = { },
['female'] = { }
category = 'upper-body', -- accessories / upper-body / lower-body
label = 'Body Armors',
type = 'clothes', -- clothes / prop
id = 9, -- Component ID from the list
price = 600, -- Price of the item
blackListed = { -- Blacklisted values, leave it empty for the owners to set
['male'] = { },
['female'] = { }
category = 'lower-body', -- accessories / upper-body / lower-body
label = 'Legs',
type = 'clothes', -- clothes / prop
id = 4, -- Component ID from the list
price = 400, -- Price of the item
blackListed = { -- Blacklisted values, leave it empty for the owners to set
['male'] = { },
['female'] = { }
category = 'lower-body', -- accessories / upper-body / lower-body
label = 'Shoes',
type = 'clothes', -- clothes / prop
id = 6, -- Component ID from the list
price = 400, -- Price of the item
blackListed = { -- Blacklisted values, leave it empty for the owners to set
['male'] = { },
['female'] = { }
Config.UISettings = {
colors = { -- UI color settings
color1 = '#00e0ff',
color2 = '#d8dbeb',
color3 = '#00b3cc',
color4 = 'radial-gradient(76% 76% at 50% 50%, rgba(0, 224, 255, 0.2) 0%, rgba(0, 224, 255, 0) 100%)',
color5 = '#909090',
color6 = 'linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 73.21%, #0f1425 100%), linear-gradient(270deg, #0f1425 0%, rgba(15, 20, 37, 0) 51.04%), linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(15, 20, 37, 0.93) 0%, rgba(15, 20, 37, 0) 37.5%), linear-gradient(90deg, #181e33 0%, rgba(15, 20, 37, 0) 72.4%)',
color7 = 'rgba(114, 114, 114, 0.2)',
color8 = 'rgba(15, 20, 37, 0.8)',
color9 = 'rgba(0, 224, 255, 0.5)',
color10 = 'radial-gradient(76% 76% at 50% 50%, rgba(0, 224, 255, 0.1) 0%, rgba(0, 224, 255, 0) 100%)',
color11 = 'rgba(0, 224, 255, 0.25)',
color12 = 'radial-gradient(76% 76% at 50% 50%, rgba(0, 224, 255, 0.8) 0%, rgba(0, 224, 255, 0) 100%)',
color13 = '#fa08d3',
color14 = 'radial-gradient(76% 76% at 50% 50%, rgba(250, 8, 211, 0.2) 0%, rgba(250, 8, 211, 0) 100%)',
color15 = 'rgba(250, 8, 211, 0.25)',
color16 = 'radial-gradient(76% 76% at 50% 50%, rgba(250, 8, 211, 0.8) 0%, rgba(250, 8, 211, 0) 100%)',
color17 = 'rgba(0, 9, 38, 0.62)',
color18 = 'rgb(49, 175, 212)',
color19 = '#727272',
color20 = '#969696',
color21 = 'rgba(49, 175, 212, 0.3)',
color22 = '#31afd4',
color23 = 'rgba(195, 66, 66, 0.3)',
color24 = '#c34242',
color25 = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',
color26 = '#0f1425',
color27 = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)',
color28 = 'rgba(90, 90, 90, 0.45)',
color29 = '#656565',
color30 = '#9b9b9b',
color31 = '#a5a5a5'
translations = { -- UI text translations
title1 = 'Clothes Shop',
title2 = 'What do you want to do?',
viewandshop = 'VIEW CART & SHOP',
cancelexit = 'CANCEL & EXIT',
camerause = 'CAMERA USE:',
rotatechar = 'Rotate character',
zoomchar = 'Zoom in on character',
areyousure = 'ARE YOU SURE?',
confirmremove = 'Yes',
cancelremove = 'No',
areyousure2 = 'ARE YOU SURE?',
confirmclose = 'Yes',
cancelclose = 'No',
howtopay = 'HOW DO YOU WANT TO PAY?',
cash = 'Cash',
bank = 'Bank',
saveclothes = 'DO YOU WANT SAVE CLOTHES?',
saveclothesdesc = 'If you save your clothes your clothes will appear in your housing',
newoutfit = 'NEW OUTFIT',
savebtn = 'Save',
cancelbtn = 'Don\'t Save',
storedclothes = 'YOUR STORED CLOTHES',
storedclothesdesc = 'You can wear them or delete them',
total = 'TOTAL',
openstore = 'Open clothing store',
openwardrobe = 'Open Wardrobe',
notEnoughCash = 'You do not have enough cash.',
notEnoughBank = 'You do not have enough money in the bank.'
Config.EnableUISounds = true -- Enable sound effects for UI interactions
Config.EnableBlurEffect = true -- Enable background blur
Config.EnableBackground = true -- Turning this off will remove the particles and the dark background
Config.Stores = {
-- Mask Shop
coords = vector3(-1337.84, -1277.81, 4.0),
blip = {
use = true,
sprite = 362,
display = 4,
scale = 0.95,
color = 5,
name = 'Mask Store'
marker = {
use = true,
id = 23,
size = vector3(1.85, 1.85, 0.95),
color = { 255, 205, 0, 125 },
rotate = false,
bobUpAndDown = false
distance = {
marker = 3.0,
text = 2.0
job = {
use = false,
jobs = {}
wardrobeInShop = {
use = false,
coords = vector3(-1337.53, -1274.13, 4.0)
whitelistItems = { 'Masks' } -- set this to false to disable or {} with all the whitelisted items
CREATE TABLE `outfits` (
`identifier` LONGTEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb3_general_ci',
`name` LONGTEXT NOT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb3_general_ci',
`outfit` LONGTEXT NOT NULL COLLATE 'utf8mb3_general_ci',
Here are all the open functions where you can configure it with your own scripts.
HudDisplay = { -- To hide the HUD when displaying the UI of the shops
Hide = function()
-- exports['neon-hud']:Display(true)
Show = function()
-- exports['neon-hud']:Display(false)
GetClosestPlayers = function()
if Config.Framework == 'esx' then
return ESX.Game.GetPlayersInArea(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()), 10.0)
elseif Config.Framework == 'qbcore' then
return QBCore.Functions.GetPlayersFromCoords(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()), 10.0)
-- custom
Notify = function(text) -- Notification system based on the framework
if Config.Framework == 'esx' then
elseif Config.Framework == 'qbcore' then
If you want to edit the aesthetics or design. You have the HTML open so you can modify the style and everything as you want.
The script is RESPONSIVE for all resolutions as well.