The Chat comes with a large number of pre-create commands, enough to have a completely RP CHAT, but you can change and add all the commands you want, infinitely. You will only have to copy and paste the variables and use the ones you want.
[!!] Here below you have all the variables that you can use to create your command. You can create all the commands you want. [!!]
-- {
-- Command = 'help', -- This will be the command
-- Label = '<strong>HELP</strong>', -- The name that will appear on the label
-- Role = 'Help', -- In case you want something to appear in front of the player's name
-- JobLabel = true, -- -- This will add in front of the player's name, a label with their work
-- ColorJobLabel = 'black', -- -- The color with which the label of the player's job will appear
-- PlayerName = 'RP', -- RP / Steam
-- Proximity = true, -- If you set it to true, only people who are nearby will see the message
-- Style = { -- Here you modify the entire design of the rectangle that accompanies the message
-- Background = 'linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.136) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) 99.18%)',
-- Border = '1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.18)',
-- AuthorColor = '#b6ff94',
-- LabelBoxContainer = '0px 0px 10px rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.4)',
-- LabelBoxBackground = 'linear-gradient(270deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.228) 46.31%)',
-- LabelBoxBorder = '1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)'
-- },
-- JobCheck = { -- In case you want to have a job to send the message, if you don't want this, you will have to delete it
-- Global = true, -- If you put true, the message will be seen by everyone, if you put false, only whoever has the job will see it, being like an internal chat
-- Jobs = { 'ambulance' }
-- },
-- AdminOnly = true, -- This is in case you don't want to split between different ranges. Only all the STAFF will be able to use the command. If you want something more concrete, use the variable below.
-- AdminCheck = { -- Check if the player is admin, to perform different actions that I explain below
-- Global = true, -- If set to true, the written message will be read by everyone. If you put false, it will only be read by someone with the correct admin rank.
-- Ranks = { 'god', 'superadmin' } -- Here you will put the rank of administrator that you want to be able to write the command. Either a single range or several. You can put the range you want or use.
-- Help = { -- The information that people will see when typing the command
-- Title = 'Help Text',
-- Subtitle = 'Ask the community for help'
-- }
-- },
These commands are the commands that cannot be edited or created, they are internal to the chat.
USED ββBY EVERYONE - With the /chatclear command you can delete your chat history, only you will see it.
USED ββBY ADMINS - With the /chatclearall command you can clear all global chat history as an administrator.
USED ββBY ADMINS - With the /muteIDTIME command, you can mute the player you want for as long as you want.